
Top Three Skills Necessary For A Cloud Migration: A Cloud Report.

Cloud adoption is big and getting bigger from coast to coast and worldwide.
Evidence of this tremendous COVID-spurred growth is also apparent , clients are boosting their cloud budgets to support remote workforces and off-prem data storage, among other functions.

But shifting cloud-ward is a more complicated process than you might think — one that requires specialists to evaluate workloads, migrate data and manage the cloud environment once it’s up and running.
Skill sets are necessary to perform those key tasks. Whether you opt for in-house expertise or, as is far more common these days, outsource to an experienced MSP , these are his top must-haves:

1. Organizational Acumen
In terms of managing cloud environments, organization is key to successful cloud adoption.

2. Ability To Determine Application Dependencies.
The migration path from traditional on-premises environments to the cloud can be tricky but with proper planning can be accomplished with very minimal downtime. When planning for your upcoming migration it is imperative to identify any and all of your current application dependencies. In planning a cloud or hybrid cloud deployment, assessing application dependencies is a key component to de-risking the overall migration.

3. The Know-How To Properly Configure And Design Environments.
This entails being able to logically separate workloads, design network connectivity to and from your environment as well as different geographical regions.
Cloud service offerings make it extremely easy to build or destroy servers on demand, this is what makes a migration to the cloud so appealing. You are no longer bound by the same sizing concerns that you are on premise, you pay for what you consume as you switch from a capex model to an OpEx model. However, this is often a double-edged sword as costs can accumulate quickly as environments are built quickly without much planning. Business will often deploy their cloud infrastructure like how they have been doing so for years rather than determining how to improve cost, performance or efficiency.
Types of cloud storage
It’s complicated. But not for cloud experts. That’s why it’s important to bring one or more of them on board. Doing so isn’t an insignificant expense, that’s true, but it’s also a crucial investment that will pay off big in savings and stability not so far down the line.
“But you really need someone who has a solid foundation across the board in order to properly assess things and determine which solutions may or may not be the right fit. Most organizations have solid players, but they don’t have that level 0.

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